We’ve all been there or know someone who has been there: that place where you’ve felt like Life has handed you a handful of lemons and boy, oh boy are those lemons real sour. Right? I know that they say that you should make Lemonade with those said lemons, but can we really do that on our own?

What if you’ve decided that you’re willing to do things the unconventional way so that you can get unconventional results? That you’re willing to take the risks, embrace the transitions, and lean towards the challenges that were meant to intimidate you from going forward.
The saying “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” is a proverb that encourages people to stay optimistic and turn challenges into positive experiences. The phrase also suggests that when faced with difficulties, people should try to make the best of the situation.
Perhaps you want to take off in a career that seems impossible or where the stacks are against you when it comes to the statistics and probability of someone like you being successful. Or maybe you’re trying to build a business, become an artist, be a writer, sing/rap your heart out, or whatever else that seems like a “drop in the bucket” to most. While the journey won’t always be easy and it takes a lot of work to remain faithful in our well doing, it’s so important to remember that we cannot do ANYTHING outside of Jesus and His presence.
So, instead of the original proverb, I say:
“When Life Gives You Lemons, Give it to Jesus to Make Lemonade!”
Allow His power + might the ability to turn the things in your life into good things according to the Father’s will. And in all honesty, He knows exactly the amount of “ingredients” you’ll need for the best lemonade anyway!
This statement is true for your endeavors and for any relationship that you enter or walk away from. If any relationship pulls out more “negatives” out of you or your soul, then it’s time to re-assess and pray to the Father about the necessary steps to creating a boundary that keeps your soul safe. In the end, it’s all about growing and being fruitful within ourselves so that we can do our work here on this Earth and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
You must align your heart + values (in everything) according to the Word of God—–for the betterment of your soul, regardless of the things you did or didn’t get from your past. So, if you’re in a relationship or situation that isn’t producing any good fruit or things, here are the Questions you must ask yourself (after you’ve prayed to the Lord about it) that will ultimately change your life and view:

What are You Pretending Not to Notice or Address?
This is a powerful question to ask yourself. Believe it or not, your mindset is your most important commodity when it comes to everything connected to your life. How you think defines what you do, who you perceive yourself or others to be, how you perceive God, your ability to endure, Your faith level, your ability to be consistent + faithful, and the list goes on.
In any relationship or situation, failing to address “the elephant in the room” or any issue(s) that may be causing a negative effect, can be detrimental. They say out of sight, out of mind; but I’m not entirely convinced that this is always true. Forgetting or ignoring something or someone does not solve the problem. It only allows it to either continue or spread further because the root hasn’t be destroyed. You have to learn to pluck things out at the root—-whether that’s unforgiveness, anger, doubt, double-mindedness, resentment, fear, insecurity—whatever; so that you can replace it with the good fruitful things of the spirit and further move forward in your walk. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 says, “There is a time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.” This includes the things within us as well.

Are your “Shoulda’s, Coulda’s, + Woulda’s” Getting in the Way of Better Results?
Again, sometimes we try to look for someone or something that seems perfect as a way to redeem ourselves from the other thing(s) we’ve lost. However, we have to admit whether we are actually looking for perfection and then realize that “perfection” in man doesn’t exist. That’s something that you can only get from Jesus. Yes, He is doing a “perfect work” in us, but that doesn’t make us perfect here on this earth in that way.
That’s one of the issues with church hurt in it’s entirety, right? We’re all human with flesh, which means that it’s inevitable that we’ll hurt someone at some point. However, it’s in the accountability, repentance, and restoration where we can say positive outcomes versus the ignoring of issues + abuse which creates the level of hurt that we see.
So, I say all of this to say—–are the things you’re “wishing” within yourself (like what you could/could’ve been, why you should’ve/should do something, how you could’ve/could do something) keeping you from seeing the truth before you and the plans of the Father in the process.
Most times, things or people or situations won’t align to our expectations, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t good for our development and growth. Understand the difference between things that are negative for your soul and serves no edifying purposes versus the things or situations that you might perceive as “negative”, but are really present to stretch you and mold you.

What Did You Learn from This?
It’s so important that we understand that when things are tough, it just means that Life is trying to teach us something through the orchestration of the Father. Whether that “something” pertains to what we need to change within ourselves + our hearts, in the things around us, or the people who find ourselves connected to. Understand that the [lemons] handed to us aren’t always there to be a real nuisance—just a refiner and purifier.
Like an actual lemon, life’s “lemons” can be there to remove toxins, heal, ‘support’ your spiritual growth, and remove any “microbes” that could be present as a result of us being fallen and sinful.
Psalm 119:71 says, “It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes.”
Are You Focused on Today or Tomorrow or Yesterday?
Sometimes we find ourselves stuck in the past or the future, but rarely in the present. One of the things that I’ve learned in the process of my walk with Christ lately is the notion that I should only be concerned with the troubles + things of today. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 6:34: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
You might have read this scripture and thought that this refers to be completely oblivious or unconcerned in an (let life just happen to me) kind of way—-but no. This verse is just Jesus letting us know that we need to be more focused on leaning ON HIM for the things we need rather than trying to make things happen on our own or spending time in worry.
Just devote time to Him and the Father. Steward what you have well in this moment. Be grateful for the daily bread + manna that God provides. Seek Him first always. And let Him supply your needs and worry about there here + now and beyond.
Most people think that “YOLO” (the acronym for You Only Live Once) is used as a scapegoat to do anything that you feel, both destructive and non-destructive. However, I believe strongly that living for today means that you aim to live a life filled with purpose towards the assignment laid out to you by the Father. Are you being obedient to God’s last request? Are you remaining faithful in it despite the results or lack thereof?
It’s about continuing to trust the Lord in the midst of the process and transitions while still walking by faith in the thing that He told you.
Ultimately, it’s all about making your ‘todays’ (work + faithfulness) erase your ‘yesterdays’ (pains + dysfunctions) and add to your ‘tomorrows’ (destiny + God’s will).
What Do You Really Need to Make it Happen?
Now this is a tricky one for most, but it’s pretty clear for us a believers—–it’s Jesus. Oftentimes, this questions comes up from a business standpoint. As a result, you try to figure out the things that you’d need to get your business started or be on a trajectory towards success like gain mentors, attract investors, and the whole nine yards, right?
But when it comes to life principles, we often forget to ask ourselves this question as well. While we understand the need for the bible, I do believe that we often assume that it isn’t the actual “manual” for our lives in every bit of detail. Do you really understand that the bible literally shows us every situation and scenario and how we should respond or not respond to those things?

Do you understand the dynamics of communication and how to do it effectively? Are you capable of collaborating with someone when need be and putting them first instead of yourself as the bible tells us to “think of others more highly than ourselves” (Philippians 2:3-5: “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves”.)? Do you understand how to actually love your neighbor or your enemy? Do you have the ability to stay devoted + endure in the most toughest moments without giving up or retreating from the fight?
Can you correct and rebuke others while bringing them to restoration? Can you stewards your provisions well by storing up for famines when you have plenty like Joseph did? So many things.
All in all, it’s about realizing that we need Jesus for EVERYTHING. Regardless of whether a situation or person changes, we have to remain who God has created us to be—-holy + righteous in His sight through the covering + Grace of Jesus Christ. So, if you find yourself in a particular situation in Life that doesn’t seem ideal or perhaps it stems from being in a relationship that doesn’t feel as smooth as you’d like it; just remember—-When Life Gives You Lemons, Give it to Jesus to Make Lemonade, Ya’ll.