Image of breakfast on bed with waffles, juice, and flowers.

We all have a little bit of time between waking up and going to work for the day. But how do we make the most of that time to create a great start for the day? By creating a great morning routine that works for you and your schedule!

Every morning feels the same: waking up, eating or drinking something quick and easy, and making it to work on time in the hustle and bustle. These monotonous mornings are enough to make anyone bored with their regimen. However, you can create a solid morning routine that you look forward to, each time you wake up!

Image of the dawn of the sun above mountains.

What is a Morning Routine?

A morning routine is the series of events before going to work or starting your obligations for the day. These events can be anything from simply getting out of bed to having breakfast to to coffee or water to engaging in your morning jog. Your morning routine is essentially a to-do list of things that will make your day better merely by completing them.

With a great morning routine, you are properly readying your body and mind for a day of work, leaving you more mentally clear for the tasks ahead. Plus, accomplishing your routine before work leaves less to do after work, so you can relax and unwind from the stresses of the day.

Why Create a Morning Routine?

Studies have shown that a great morning routine can promote: 

Not only that, you will notice a significant difference in how you feel just after a few weeks of having a solid schedule at sunrise. If you create a routine you love, you will look forward to it each day! 

How do we get excited about this short amount of time to ourselves before work? Here are some tips to get you started.

Image of pancakes and a drink on a table.

Tips for a Great Morning Routine

There are six simple things to remember when crafting your perfect morning routine. Write them out in chronological order and keep it somewhere visible!

Take Care of Your Needs

First and foremost, you want to take care of your essential needs upon waking. That likely looks like going to the bathroom, brushing your teeth, taking a shower, washing your face, or drinking a glass of water. If you’re the type that enjoys an early breakfast, you can have grab-and-go items at the ready or meal-prep some overnight oats or granola bars.

If your body is telling you that a drive-thru coffee and breakfast is what you need, go for it. Perhaps you’re craving an extra-large coffee today, brewed in your favorite travel mug or a great coffee alternative that still does the trick. Go with it and let your happiness (and needs) flourish.

You may also care for others each morning, such as children or aging parents. Do your best to put yourself first before attending to others. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup!

Make Time for Leisure

While you want to create a solid morning routine, you don’t want to pack every minute with a task. Instead, leave some room between items on the to-do list. This allows for some time to be mindful about your day, while also freeing up space for an extra 5 minutes of reading or stretching. Adding some leisurely time into your morning will help you feel even more accomplished and stress-free.

Pray and Meditate

Mornings are often the most quiet time of the day. This is the perfect time to sit with God and share some words. Repeat your favorite morning prayers or affirmations to build up your spirit for the day. You can also take this opportunity to sit silently and reflect on the present. Ask yourself:

  • What do I want to bring to this day, new and fresh? 
  • How can I channel that into my actions and job? 
  • How can I stay true to myself in uncertainty?

Exploring these questions and having answers that suit you will help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. This is the ultimate power play for having an amazing day after your morning routine, especially when it leans into journaling and reading the Word of God for added encouragement and renewal of mind.

Up close shot of pink roses.

Create a List

Lots of stress and anxiety is centered around the tasks that are upcoming after your morning routine. That’s why the morning is the perfect time to center yourself and get ready for what’s coming. It’ll help you to create a to-do list for the day to keep you organized and to be able to tangibly see what’s in your immediate future.

Once you complete an item from your morning to-do list, you’ll feel immediate satisfaction crossing it off. This can help reduce stress and allow you to feel prepared for anything that comes your way.

Move Your Body

Whether you are active or not, morning movement is so important in any routine. A simple arm and back stretch is enough to get your body moving after laying down all night long. Our bodies can get stiff, leading to muscle pain, strain, or fatigue, even after eight hours of great sleep. If you are into exercise, start your day by running to nourish your mind and body before work.

Image of a Shit Zhu laying down with eyes closed.

Bonus: Snuggle with a Pet!

It’s a major bonus in your morning routine if you have a pet, because you can make time to snuggle before work! Perhaps you get five minutes of cuddles before getting out of bed. Maybe you give your kitten some kisses on your way out the door. Either way, studies show pets make their owners happy simply by existing. Get a little extra happiness with some snuggles or kisses before the reality of the day hits!

A great morning routine can prepare you for some of the best days of your life. By simply integrating basic self-care, prayer or meditation, movement, and organization, you can look forward to your mornings before work just as much as your evenings after work. Set yourself up for success by writing out a solid morning routine that works for your lifestyle today!

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