An image of a collage with food, Shanika, and the bible.
Welcome to FOOD OVER FAITH?!

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We are thrilled to have you here! This page is designed to help you get the most out of our website. Whether you’re new or just looking for a refresher, you’ll find everything you need to get started. Xx


Key Sections


The epitome of unpacking the word of God in daily small doses that create deep thought, reflection, and a full understanding of how to incorporate the word in daily living.

Beyond the Pod

Here, you’ll find deeper insights, honest truths, and additional conversation from a particular podcast episode.

Mental Health

We delve into the depths of certain mental health issues and how to fully overcome them with spiritual + physical nourishment.


Love involves the two greatest commands, so we’ll be touching on what is means to Love, best ways to improve in this area, + more.


It’s where the practical side of things meets the Word of God as we walk out our Faith in our everyday lives.


You’ll find the Food side of things which include approachable, delicious Recipes for dinner with a little bread making, here + there.

Bible Study

Bible study on a daily basis is one of the most important things, therefore, we’ll be sharing personal notes as we walk through scriptures to better help you on your journey.


Fellowship is so important as a Believer and we delve into spiritual growth, relationship transitions, how to overcome relationship failures, etc.