Image os flowers in a field.
Letters for the Soul

Letters for the Soul: Transition.

Lately, things have been pretty interesting to say the least. I’ve found myself a little “unfulfilled” in my career, not because it isn’t a calling, but because I feel that “there’s more” to me than the thing that most people discovered me for—-“cooking”. Now, I understand that you’ve given me such a gift to help people and their families as well as a way to help people “encounter” You through the anointing [when the Holy spirit empowers you in what you’re doing to help in serving God + His purpose] that you’ve used to draw people to my content.

An image of a clock with a dark background.
Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotional: Luke 12:15

Have you ever thought about whether you fell into the trap of covetousness or greed and what that actually looks like? Today, we live in a world where grinding, team “no sleep”, and constant hustle is the name of the game. Not leaving a “legacy” or inheritance for your child and their children in today’s society paints you as a sluggard who lacks ample ambition.

Image of drinks and sparkling candles on a table.
Coffee + Faith Vibes | Friendships + Relationships

Real Things That Motherhood Has Taught Me

While there are many things that you learn once you step into Motherhood, I’ve decided to share some of the Real Things that Motherhood has taught me, especially as it relates to my faith. From Relationships to the epitome of selflessness to patience to long-suffering to perseverance to what love truly requires. It has all been a journey of discovery throughout this assignment that God has bestowed upon me as a mother.

Lifestyle + Wellness

In this Lifestyle + Wellness space, it’s where the practical side of things meets the Word of God as we walk out our Faith in our everyday lives.


“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”. –Matthew 6:33

Recipes for the Soul.

You’ll find the Food side of things which include approachable, delicious Recipes for dinner with a little bread making, here + there.

An image of watermelon, plum, and fruit on a table.